Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Participants, Employees and Families:

Independent Community Living is following the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) closely. Our team is meeting daily to ensure that we are staying up to date with all of the changes.

We have established a list of safety precautions to help minimize our risk and the risk of those we support and our employees.

1. We are working with Midland Chemical Company to purchase hand sanitizing stations. We encourage all visitors of our building to use these.
2. We have been working with Midland Paper Company to secure an order of disinfecting wipes. These should be arriving next week.
3. We have been stocking up on cleaning supplies, gloves and soap. We will be offering extras to employees and participants. We want to be sure that everyone has access.
4. We are educating our employees and participants to not be wasteful. Use items sparingly.
5. Our office has implemented a cleaning/sanitizing regimen twice daily. We will be sanitizing doorknobs, railings, light switches, phones and all hard surfaces. We have created a
calendar and check off to document the completion.
6. We will utilize the phone as much as possible for our one on one meetings.
7. All routine medical appointments are being cancelled.
8. All extra-curricular activities are being cancelled.
9. All staff meetings will be cancelled through the end of April.
10. We are adding reminder signs about washing hands.
11. We are attending webinars and gathering information from CMHCM to disperse to employees and participants.

We will be offering support and information to our employees during this time. We are open to any assistance, ideas or donations from the community.
We have enclosed information in this letter to educate.

As always, thank you to our employees for never backing down. We are fortunate to work with such a great group of individuals. We appreciate all of the support from families. Mostly, we are grateful for the trust from the participants we support.

Thank you,

Sarah Hubble
Executive Director